
“Chicks with Tricks” is an unprecedented, original, FEMALE variety show starring extraordinary women who excel in their entertainment specialty. It brings proven success to every audience it’s entertained worldwide.

Celebrating brilliant performance, “Chicks with Tricks” intertwines illusions and humor, mischievously linking dexterous juggling, gravity-defying acrobats and aerialists and superb musical performances with sophisticated charm, creativity and wit.

“Chicks with Tricks” unique format and superb casting provide mass-market appeal and excellent potential for product marketing, media exposure, social media and entertainment advertising.

This turn-key production boasts the best in performance, it traverses barriers and generates thrills to captivate your guests. Stellar results are guaranteed and your clients will love recommending this show.

Don’t miss this ground-breaking opportunity to present Connie Boyd Magic’s “Chicks with Tricks.” A show that’s proven to seduce, tempt and excite your audiences with the best in entertainment performed with signature feminine twists

Chicks with Tricks – Talented Chicks executing impossible tricks with agile high- kicks to astonish, amaze and astound.

Connie Boyd shattered the glass ceiling of magic.

Easter Seals Telethon, Los Angeles