Terry Lee Aspeling

South Africa

Terry Lee Aspeling is the newest addition to the Connie Boyd Magic Team, debuting as a professional magician in “Chicks with Tricks” in 2018.

The vivacious South African executes dangerous escapes and creative magic with poise, skill and beauty; captivating audiences with charm, talent and sizzling sparkle.

Terry-Lee performed in “Chicks with Tricks” first as a dancer and magic assistant for multiple contracts. She began the arduous journey to learn technical magic and magic performance in 2018. Hard work and determination to succeed was rewarded and Terry Lee debuted and completed her first professional magician contract to stellar evaluations and spectacular audience feedback.

Don’t miss the opportunity to catch Terry Lee, a new rising star in magic.



       “Charisma & an amazing presence on stage”

Alejandro González de Haro, Cruise Director
Costa Cruise Lines